Focused Review for
National Council Licensure Examination-RN
“If You Can Do Exam Master, You Can Do the NCLEX-RN!”
Exam Master’s NCLEX-RN resource was completely updated in 2017 and covers all the material you need to know. Our 1600+ question test bank is based on the current NCSBN test plan for NCLEX-RN. We use the same types of challenging questions as found on the actual NCLEX-RN. And, our NCLEX-RN practice exam is structured just like the actual exam, with 265 carefully-selected questions with explanations. Together these add up to one powerful resource that should be included in your NCLEX-RN preparation plans.
Exam Master’s proven methodology for success on the NCLEX-RN is to:
1) Provide thorough content coverage organized just like the actual NCLEX-RN exam
2) Provide detailed scoring feedback to identify critical weaknesses, and
3) Provide a thorough explanation of each question, including why incorrect answer choices are wrong.
Exam Master has been helping aspiring nursing students and advanced practice nurses achieve their goals for years by offering them relevant resources for both NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN.

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1600+ questions
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1600+ questions
Detailed explanation
Customizable exams
Score reports
1600+ questions
Detailed explanations
Customizable exams
Score reports
NCLEX-RN High Yield Practice Exam – $49.99
Exam Master’s NCLEX-RN High Yield Practice Exam was developed by a nursing educator who specializes in helping nursing graduates prepare for the NCLEX-RN. It gives users the experience of taking the actual NCLEX-RN and is balanced and weighted by content area just like the actual exam. Our Practice Exam contains 265 questions with detailed explanations and references. Topics are presented and tested based on the percentages provided in the current NCSBN NCLEX-RN test plan.
NCLEX-RN Comprehensive Practice Exam – $39.99
Exam Master’s NCLEX-RN Comprehensive Practice Exam is less structured than our high yield practice exam but contains more questions. It gives users the ability to both simulate the actual exam but with additional questions for extra study. Our Practice Exam contains 350 questions with detailed explanations and references. Topics are presented and tested as found on the current NCSBN NCLEX-RN test plan.
Note: Our NCLEX-RN practice exams are carefully constructed from our NCLEX-RN question bank. We recommend you take a practice exam and then purchase a monthly subscription for your study and review.
Unless otherwise indicated, Exam Master has no formal affiliation with any licensing or certification authorities.